shut up, stupid wind

Fuck wind. I hate change. If we’re so good at climate change and representative democracy, why can’t I make weather requests of our esteemed government yet!? Send a letter to BOM and say, “Hey, turn the bloody wind off!” Because we’re animals who believe in God more than spirits hoo believe in ourSelves. Shut up, that’s why!

solar-eclipsing the new-moon sads

I hope everyone is being kind to themselves during this big new moon. I know I’m feeling quite sad as a lot of things move and change through me ~ sad about some specific things but also just sad. It will pass, and I’m finding myself more and more able to transmute these emotions in yoga and by not clinging to them.

There’s a lot of positive change ahead, I can feel that in me, and I wonder if the sadness is a type of clinging to the old way I believed things about myself. It can be hard to let go of old stuff when it has coagulated as your identity for so long, but I reckon I’d rather ride this sadness through to the new than stick around humming the low dirge of misery and hoping someone will change things for me.

The sun is rising and the kookaburras have sung their song ~ now it’s time for Raven to caw-caw-caw the blues away. Yes yes yes.